I'm trying to create a spinable node similar to the "prize wheel" in this question. So far I have the flinging capability, adding angular impulses on a physics body using a UIPanGestureRecognizer that works really well. I can also stop the spinning using a touch.
Now I'm trying to allow fine adjustment of the wheel using a drag or swipe gesture so if the player isn't happy with what they end up with they can manually spin/drag/rotate it to their favoured rotation.
Currently I save the location of the touch in the touchesBegan and try to increment the zRotation of my node in the update loop.
The rotation doesn't follow my finger and is jerky. I'm not sure if I'm getting an accurate enough read on the finger movement or if the change position of the finger isn't being accurately translated into radians. I suspect detecting the touch and then dealing with it in the update isn't a great solution.
Here's my code.
override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<NSObject>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
if let touch = touches.first as? UITouch {
var location = touch.locationInView(self.view)
location = self.convertPointFromView(location)
mostRecentTouchLocation = location
let node = nodeAtPoint(location)
if node.name == Optional("left") && node.physicsBody?.angularVelocity != 0
node.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius:150)
node.physicsBody?.pinned = true
override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
/* Called before each frame is rendered */
if mostRecentTouchLocation != CGPointZero{
let node = nodeAtPoint(mostRecentTouchLocation)
if node.name == Optional("left")
var positionInScene:CGPoint = mostRecentTouchLocation
let deltaX:Float = Float(positionInScene.x) - Float(node.position.x)
let deltaY:Float = Float(positionInScene.y) - Float(node.position.y)
let angle:CGFloat = CGFloat(atan2f(deltaY, deltaX))
let maths:CGFloat = angle - (CGFloat(90) * (CGFloat(M_PI) / 180.0))
node.zRotation += maths
mostRecentTouchLocation = CGPointZero
I've spread some of the maths across multiple lines in the update to make debugging a bit easier.
I can add the PanGestureRecognizer code if needed but I'll try to keep it short for now.
EDIT Here is my latest code based on GilderMan's recommendation. I think it's working better but the rotation is far from smooth. It's jumping in large increments and not following the finger well. Does this mean there's something wrong with my angle calculation?
override func didSimulatePhysics() {
if mostRecentTouchLocation != CGPointZero {
let node = nodeAtPoint(mostRecentTouchLocation)
if node.name == Optional("left")
var positionInScene:CGPoint = mostRecentTouchLocation
let deltaX:Float = Float(positionInScene.x) - Float(node.position.x)
let deltaY:Float = Float(positionInScene.y) - Float(node.position.y)
let angle:CGFloat = CGFloat(atan2f(deltaY, deltaX))
node.zRotation += angle
mostRecentTouchLocation = CGPointZero
are radians – Melliemelliferous