I would like to retrive the UID of MiFare cards. I'm using an iPhone X, Xcode 11 and iOS 13.
I'm aware this wasn't possible (specifically reading the UID) until iOS 13 according to this website: https://gototags.com/blog/apple-expands-nfc-on-iphone-in-ios-13/ and this guy: https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/c0gzf0/clearing_up_misunderstandings_and/
The phones NFC reader is correctly detecting the card however the unique identifier is always returned as empty or nil. I can read the payload however and irrelvant to iOS but I can do this in Android (confirms the card isn't faulty or just odd)
Apple Sample Project: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corenfc/building_an_nfc_tag-reader_app
func tagReaderSession(_ session: NFCTagReaderSession, didDetect tags: [NFCTag]) {
if case let NFCTag.miFare(tag) = tags.first! {
session.connect(to: tags.first!) { (error: Error?) in
let apdu = NFCISO7816APDU(instructionClass: 0, instructionCode: 0xB0, p1Parameter: 0, p2Parameter: 0, data: Data(), expectedResponseLength: 16)
tag.queryNDEFStatus(completionHandler: {(status: NFCNDEFStatus, e: Int, error: Error?) in
debugPrint("\(status) \(e) \(error)")
tag.sendMiFareISO7816Command(apdu) { (data, sw1, sw2, error) in
debugPrint(String(data: tag.identifier, encoding: .utf8))
I'm aware these sorts of hacks: CoreNFC not reading UID in iOS
But they are closed and only apply to iOS 11 for a short time in the past.
tags.first! {
you can doprint(tag.identifier as NSData)
to see the contents in your console. – Taillight