I searched a lot and there is not Microsoft documents talk about the wait type: CXSYNC_PORT. Others have asked the same question but still with no more details.
Most suggestions are that ask the same problem in more forums. Or ask professional engineer for help, and they will deal with your problem separately and confidentially.
Ask Azure support for details help: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-portal/supportability/how-to-create-azure-support-request
And here's the same question which Microsoft engineer gave more details about the issue:
- As part of a fix CXPACKET waits were further broken down into
CXSYNC_CONSUMER and CXSYNC_PORT (and data transfer waits still
reported as CXPACKET) as to distinguish between different wait times
for correct diagnose of the problem.
- Basically, CXPACKET is divided into 3: CXPACKET, CXSYNC_PORT,
CXSYNC_CONSUMER. CXPACKET is used for data transfer sync, while
CXSYNC_* are used for other synchronizations. CXSYNC_PORT is used for
synchronizing opening/closing of exchange port between consuming
thread and producing thread. Long waits here may indicate server load
and lack of available threads. Plans containing sort may contribute
this wait type because complete sorting may occur before port is
Please ref this link What is causing wait type CXSYNC_PORT and what to do about it? to get more useful messages. But for now, there isn't an exact solution.