I have a User entity that has a Current Location field (city and country). To hold this info I created an entity called Location which has_many Users.
I'm not entirely sure if I should put in the User model "has_one" or "belongs_to", but for what I read if I wanted it to have the foreign key of the location I should put "belongs_to". I also want to be able to edit the user's Current Location when editing the User. so I am using nested attributes. But when I edit the user I end up adding a new Location each time without ever associating it to the user that was edited. Can you help me out?
My code is the following:
#User Model
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
## Relationships
belongs_to :current_location, :class_name => 'Location'
accepts_nested_attributes_for :current_location
#Location Model
class Location < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :users
# part of the _form_edit.haml
- form_edit.fields_for :current_location do |location_form|
= location_form.label :location, "Current Location"
= location_form.text_field :location
#Application Helper
#nested attributes for user and location
def setup_user(user)
returning(user) do |u|
u.build_current_location if u.current_location.nil?
#in the user controller (added after edit)
def update
@user = @current_user
if @user.update_attributes(params[:user])
flash[:notice] = "Account updated!"
redirect_to account_url
render :action => :edit