Here Are Some Good Things to Know Too
@markhunte seems to have a good answer, but here's another way:
If you are within,
Open the Service that you want to delete. You may have to choose "Open..." from the menu and type the key-combination command-shift-period to view invisible files such as ~/Library (which is now invisible by default in Mountain Lion.)
Your services (the ones that are local to your account) are in the folder: ~/Library/Services
After opening your Service in Automator, hold down the command-key and click the title of the window. (This works in most Mac applications -- not just in Automator to reveal documents in the Finder.)
Once you've found the document in the Finder, you can simply move it to the Trash like any other document.
Also, other kinds of Automator workflows can be found in a similar manner in the following directory:
I think that with this sort of Thing that Apple has just made it hard.
- To have a way to reveal documents in the Finder, but have it also a "secret-handshake" of holding down the command-key while clicking on a document window's title to be able to reveal documents in the Finder.
I think that to get Apple to change these things, the way that they listen is if many developers file a bug report:
Apple's Bug Reporter: