I'm building a graphql api with Rust and Warp. I've looked through the docs, but I have still not figured out how to chain the filters, especially for checking the authorization
in request header.
let context_extractor = warp::any()
// this code rejects all request which doesn't contain the authorization in header
// I'd like to make to check if authorization in header
.map(|token: String| -> Context {
let token_data = match verify_jwt(token) {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(_) => return Context { user_id: 0 },
Context {
user_id: token_data.claims.user_id,
let handle_request = move |context: Context,
request: juniper::http::GraphQLRequest|
-> Result<Vec<u8>, serde_json::Error> {
serde_json::to_vec(&request.execute(&schema, &context))
This is my part of code. It works fine, but there is one problem. I've set up one route context_extractor
with .and(warp::header::<String>("authorization")
, then it rejects all requests which doesn't contain authorization
in header.
How can I make
if request header has a
in header, then returnContext
with the properuser_id
if not, return
withuser_id: 0