I have already deployed my VPC via this module listed below before I added a count.
This worked just fine, however do to changes in our infrastructure, I need to add a count to the module
module "core_vpc" {
source = "./modules/vpc"
count = var.environment == "qa" || var.environment == "production" ? 1 : 0
aws_region = var.aws_region
environment = var.environment
system = var.system
role = var.system
vpc_name = var.system
vpc_cidr = var.vpc_cidr
ssh_key_name = var.ssh_key_name
ssh_key_public = var.ssh_key_public
nat_subnets = var.nat_subnets
nat_azs = var.vpc_subnet_azs
Now Terraform wants to update my state file and destroy much of my configuration and replace it with what is shown in the example below. This is of course not just limited to route association, but all resources created within the module.I can't let this happen as I have production running and not want to mess with that.
module.K8_subnets.aws_route_table_association.subnet[0] will be destroyed
and replace it with:
module.K8_subnets[0].aws_route_table_association.subnet[0] will be created
Is there a way of preventing Terraform of making these changes? Short of changing it manually in the tf-state. All I want is the for the VPC not to be deployed in DEV.
terraform state mv 'module.K8_subnets' 'module.K8_subnets[0]'
- but make sure to backup your state files prior to that. – Remainderman