In one can read:
Coq's standard library takes a very different approach to the real numbers: An axiomatic approach.
and one can find the following axiom:
completeness :
∀E:R → Prop,
bound E → (∃x : R, E x) → { m:R | is_lub E m }.
The library is not mentioned but in Why are the real numbers axiomatized in Coq? one can find the same description :
I was wondering whether Coq defined the real numbers as Cauchy sequences or Dedekind cuts, so I checked Coq.Reals.Raxioms and... none of these two. The real numbers are axiomatized, along with their operations (as Parameters and Axioms). Why is it so?
Also, the real numbers tightly rely on the notion of subset, since one of their defining properties is that is every upper bounded subset has a least upper bound. The Axiom completeness encodes those subsets as Props."
Nevertheless, whenever I look at I do not see any axiomatic approach, in particular we have the following lemma:
Lemma completeness :
forall E:R -> Prop,
bound E -> (exists x : R, E x) -> { m:R | is_lub E m }.
Where can I find such an axiomatic approach of the real numbers in Coq?