I'm in the middle of my first ever stab at setting up Jenkins to build and run unit tests /code coverage with my CakePHP project. So far I have successfully got Jenkins fetching and building automatically from my BitBucket repository - a small victory in itself.
Next thing I want to happen is for the unit tests to run and code coverage reports to be populated.
Here is my build.xml, which is being executed in Jenkins with the (only) build command phing -f $WORKSPACE/build.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="Consumer Love" default="phpunit">
<target name="phpunit">
<exec command="cake test app --coverage-clover logs/reports/clover.xml"></exec>
I think the issue is that when you run cake test app
it asks for a prompt of which specific tests you want to run, I have been unable to figure out a method to run all of my CakePHP app unit tests.