I have a gradle tasks that deploys some stuff to bintray using curl.
For this to work it needs my bintray api key. I don't want to put that in my build script (or a property file) since all this stuff is hosted in plain sight at github.
Instead I made the task use a property named bintrayApikey
which is to be provided when calling gradle. When I run it locally using
gradlew pushToBintray -DbintrayApikey=<my api key>
everything works as intended.
So the next step is to make this work from my Jenkins over at cloudbees. Since there doesn't seem to be a special place for putting system properties I just added them to the tasks, but this does not seem to work. In the console I can see it is accessing bintray all right, but then finishes with:
This resource requires authentication
So how can I provide the property value in my jenkins job configuration?