Checkout the commit that you want to be under your new branch and then create branch from this point.
git log --oneline ...
commit <HASH-1>
commit <HASH-2>
commit <HASH-3>
commit <HASH-4>
git checkout -b feature-1 <HASH-3>
git checkout -b feature-2 <HASH-2>
and so on,
You simply checkout any commit you want (any point in your history) and then you create branch at this point
How to create branches?
Branches can be created in several ways:
Create branch from the current commit
By creating branch ant not checking them out
git branch < branch_name>
By creating and switching to a new branch
git checkout -b <branch_name>
git checkout -t <branch_name>
The default SHA-1 if not specified is the HEAD
Create branch from selected commit
By adding sha-1 to the checkout command you "set" the commit that your branch will be created from.
git checkout -b <branch_name> <sha-1>
git checkout -t <branch_name> <sha-1>
ingit checkout -t
? – Sheatfish