I have a boiler platey class that delegates some actions to a reference class. It looks like this:
class MyClass():
def __init__(self, someClass):
self.refClass = someClass
def action1(self):
def action2(self):
def action3(self):
This is the refClass:
class RefClass():
def __init__(self):
self.myClass = MyClass(self)
def action1(self):
#Stuff to execute action1
def action2(self):
#Stuff to execute action2
def action3(self):
#Stuff to execute action3
I'd like to use Python Metaprogramming to make this more elegant and readable, but I'm not sure how.
I've heard of setattr and getattr, and I think I could do something like
class MyClass():
def __init__(self, someClass):
self.refClass = someClass
for action in ['action1', 'action2', 'action3']:
def _delegate(self):
getattr(self.refClass, action)()
And then I know I need to do this from somewhere, I guess:
MyClass.setattr(action, delegate)
I just can't totally grasp this concept. I understand the basics about not repeating code, and generating the methods with a for loop with functional programming, but then I don't know how to call this methods from elsewhere. Heeeelp!