I'm trying to make a Webapp with react using Semantic Ui components. However, I'm really struggling to make the main content component take up the full-size of the screen (see image). I want the main content component to fill up the rest of the space but it seems like it's only taking up as much space as it needs to. Ultimately I want to be able to have the sidebar sticky and only scroll the main content
render() {
const { visible } = this.state
return (
<Button onClick={this.toggleVisibility}>Toggle Visibility</Button>
<Sidebar.Pushable as={Segment}>
<Sidebar as={Menu} animation='push' width='thin' visible={visible} icon='labeled' vertical inverted>
<Menu.Item name='home'>
<Icon name='home' />
<Menu.Item name='gamepad'>
<Icon name='gamepad' />
<Menu.Item name='camera'>
<Icon name='camera' />
<Segment basic>
<Header as='h3'>Application Content</Header>
<Image src='/assets/images/wireframe/paragraph.png' />
I've tried to apply the style inline {height:100%}
to everything from within the up the hierarchy to the root component but nothing seems to make it fill the rest of the page. I know that this seems like such a simple problem, but I'm stuck haha. Any ideas?
Cheers desired outcome