I have just translated an ant project into maven however since maven does not really deal with deployment I introduce some antrun into the build. However when I try to execute it the plugin skips my tasks. for exemple when I run mvn clean antrun:run I get the following message: No ant target defined - SKIPPED. the same happends to the second phase in which I am trying to override the deployment phase to do an actual deploy rather to upload to a repository.
Please find below an extract of my pom.xml (type:pom):
<echo>Cleaning deployed website</echo>
<delete dir="${deployRoot}/mydir/${env}"/>
<echo>Deploying website</echo>
<echo>Copying website artifact to deployment </echo>
<mkdir dir="${deployRoot}/mydir/${env}" />
dest="${deployRoot}/mydir/${env}" />
<chmod perm="ugo+rx">
<fileset dir="${deployRoot}/mydir/${env}/web-exploded/bin">
<include name="**/*.sh" />
<include name="**/*.bat" />