I have a collection of files that represent a "project" (txt, cfg, hand edited binary, scripts, etc) that I would like managed in a repository. I would like to house the repository and server (if necessary) on my home Windows machine and be able to access it remotely and locally.
I have setup VisualSVN server and TortiseSVN client and it all works perfectly except for one major hangup; file timestamps. When I add a file to the repository, SVN wipes out the last modified date and changes it to the date when it was committed.
I have files that have dates that span the last 4 years and keeping these timestamps is important to me. I have searched, but have not found a solution to this problem (even though it seems plenty of other people have asked for the same behavior).
So my question is, is there a FREE VCS that allows for original file timestamps to be captured and meets my other general use criteria? I glanced at GIT, but it didn't seem like it did, and I wasn't sure about CVS.
Thanks for any and all help,