I'd like to write tests for a suite of Parsec parsers. Here's a simple example of a parser I want to test with QuickCheck:
identifier = do
c <- letter
cs <- many (alphaNum <|> oneOf identSymbols)
return $ Ident $ c:cs
So, ideally, I'd want QuickCheck to generate valid identifiers and make sure I get the right results back, as well as generating invalid identifiers and making sure they return ParseError
. Are there any utilities that would make this sort of thing easier? Is there a way I can "run my parser in reverse", so to speak, to generate such inputs?
In general, what would a good suite of QuickCheck tests for this parser look like? To some extent, it seems like I'd basically have to duplicate the logic of the parser in QuickCheck to achieve a thorough test. Is that really a good idea, or this perhaps a situation where a more traditional tool like HUnit is more suitable than QuickCheck?