I am using nodejs, and have been researching acl/authorization for the past week. I have found only a couple, but none seem to have all the features I require. The closest has been https://github.com/OptimalBits/node_acl, but I don't think it supports protecting resources by id (for example, if I wanted to allow user 12345 and only user 12345 to access user/12345/edit). Hence, I think I will have to make a custom acl solution for myself.
My question regarding this is, what are some pros and cons to storing roles (user, admin, moderator, etc.) under each user object, as opposed to creating another collection/table that maps each user with their authorization rules? node_acl uses a separate collection, whereas most of the other ones depend on the roles array in user objects.
By the way, I am using Mongodb at the moment. However I have not researched the pros and cons yet of using relational vs. nonrelational databases for authentication yet, so if let me know if your answer depends on that.
As I was typing this up, I thought of one thing. If I store roles in a separate collection, it is more portable. I would be able to swap out the acl system much more easily. (I think?)