Welcome to Unicode
All these solutions are essentially wrong for modern text. You need to use something that understands case. Since Bob asked for other languages, I'll give a couple for Perl.
I provide four solutions, ranging from worst to best. Only the best one is always right. The others have problems. Here is a test run to show you what works and what doesn’t, and where. I’ve used underscores so that you can see where the spaces have been put, and I’ve marked as wrong anything that is, well, wrong.
Testing TheLoneRanger
Worst: The_Lone_Ranger
Ok: The_Lone_Ranger
Better: The_Lone_Ranger
Best: The_Lone_Ranger
Testing MountMᶜKinleyNationalPark
[WRONG] Worst: Mount_MᶜKinley_National_Park
[WRONG] Ok: Mount_MᶜKinley_National_Park
[WRONG] Better: Mount_MᶜKinley_National_Park
Best: Mount_Mᶜ_Kinley_National_Park
Testing ElÁlamoTejano
[WRONG] Worst: ElÁlamo_Tejano
Ok: El_Álamo_Tejano
Better: El_Álamo_Tejano
Best: El_Álamo_Tejano
Testing TheÆvarArnfjörðBjarmason
[WRONG] Worst: TheÆvar_ArnfjörðBjarmason
Ok: The_Ævar_Arnfjörð_Bjarmason
Better: The_Ævar_Arnfjörð_Bjarmason
Best: The_Ævar_Arnfjörð_Bjarmason
Testing IlCaffèMacchiato
[WRONG] Worst: Il_CaffèMacchiato
Ok: Il_Caffè_Macchiato
Better: Il_Caffè_Macchiato
Best: Il_Caffè_Macchiato
Testing MisterDženanLjubović
[WRONG] Worst: MisterDženanLjubović
[WRONG] Ok: MisterDženanLjubović
Better: Mister_Dženan_Ljubović
Best: Mister_Dženan_Ljubović
Testing OleKingHenryⅧ
[WRONG] Worst: Ole_King_HenryⅧ
[WRONG] Ok: Ole_King_HenryⅧ
[WRONG] Better: Ole_King_HenryⅧ
Best: Ole_King_Henry_Ⅷ
Testing CarlosⅤºElEmperador
[WRONG] Worst: CarlosⅤºEl_Emperador
[WRONG] Ok: CarlosⅤº_El_Emperador
[WRONG] Better: CarlosⅤº_El_Emperador
Best: Carlos_Ⅴº_El_Emperador
BTW, almost everyone here has selected the first way, the one marked "Worst". A few have selected the second way, marked "OK". But no one else before me has shown you how to do either the "Better" or the "Best" approach.
Here is the test program with its four methods:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
# First I'll prove these are fine variable names:
my (
$TheLoneRanger ,
$MountMᶜKinleyNationalPark ,
$ElÁlamoTejano ,
$TheÆvarArnfjörðBjarmason ,
$IlCaffèMacchiato ,
$MisterDženanLjubović ,
$OleKingHenryⅧ ,
$CarlosⅤºElEmperador ,
# Now I'll load up some string with those values in them:
my @strings = qw{
my($new, $best, $ok);
my $mask = " %10s %-8s %s\n";
for my $old (@strings) {
print "Testing $old\n";
($best = $old) =~ s/(?<=\p{Lowercase})(?=[\p{Uppercase}\p{Lt}])/_/g;
($new = $old) =~ s/(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])/_/g;
$ok = ($new ne $best) && "[WRONG]";
printf $mask, $ok, "Worst:", $new;
($new = $old) =~ s/(?<=\p{Ll})(?=\p{Lu})/_/g;
$ok = ($new ne $best) && "[WRONG]";
printf $mask, $ok, "Ok:", $new;
($new = $old) =~ s/(?<=\p{Ll})(?=[\p{Lu}\p{Lt}])/_/g;
$ok = ($new ne $best) && "[WRONG]";
printf $mask, $ok, "Better:", $new;
($new = $old) =~ s/(?<=\p{Lowercase})(?=[\p{Uppercase}\p{Lt}])/_/g;
$ok = ($new ne $best) && "[WRONG]";
printf $mask, $ok, "Best:", $new;
When you can score the same as the "Best" on this dataset, you’ll know you’ve done it correctly. Until then, you haven’t. No one else here has done better than "Ok", and most have done it "Worst". I look forward to seeing someone post the correct ℂ♯ code.
I notice that StackOverflow’s highlighting code is miserably stoopid again. They’re making all the same old lame as (most but not all) of the rest of the poor approaches mentioned here have made. Isn’t it long past time to put ASCII to rest? It doens’t make sense anymore, and pretending it’s all you have is simply wrong. It makes for bad code.