I know I shouldn't be trying to dispatch thunks from sagas, it goes against what redux-saga tries to do. But I'm working in a fairly large app and most of the code is made with thunks, we are migrating by bits and need to dispatch a thunk from inside a saga. The thunk can't be changed because it is used in other parts (a thunk that returns a promise), so it would break many things.
const store = createStore(
compose(applyMiddleware(thunk, sagaMiddleware))
// Saga (is called from a takeEvery)
function* watchWarehouseChange(action) {
const companyId = yield select(Auth.id);
// We use cookies here instead of localStorage so that we persist
// it even when the user logs out. (localStorage clears on logout)
yield call(Cookies.set, `warehouse${companyId}`, action.warehouse);
// I want to dispatch a thunk here
yield put.resolve(syncItems);
// put(syncItems) doesn't work either
export function syncItems() {
return dispatch => {
return dispatch(fetchFromBackend()).then(
items => itemsDB.emptyAndFill(items)
Whenever syncItems()
is executed, only first!
logs. second!
never happens.
PS: I don't get any errors or warnings.