There are some folder that contains space, and as a result, those folders can not be indexed using cscope.
Can i ask you for help to solve this,or any suggestion.
thanks Julius
Thanks for your reply.
My steps to use cscope like the following
- find . -name '*.scala'>cscope.files
- cscope -b
at this step. i see the message indicates that can not find file:
cscope: cannot find file /work/project/copy
cscope: cannot find file of
cscope: cannot find file fp/src/main/jav....
Actually copy of fp is a i think cscope can not recognize the folder contains space.
I encountered this problem when i tried to use vim with cscope.maybe i need move this question to other tag.
commands within Vim? If so, can you show the commands that you are trying and what errors you are getting? – Womb