Quite often I use a diverging colour palette mapped to a parameter that has an interesting turning point somewhere near the middle.
Unfortunately, available diverging palettes -- e.g. those from C. Brewer -- all seem to have saturated colours at the two extremes rather than in the middle, often defined as white or light grey. Here's one example for illustration
The continuous parameter indicated by the text labels passes through an optimum value where the peak of the associated curve reaches a maximum.
On a light white or grey background (typical for ggplot2), the most interesting part of my data becomes almost invisible; I would like it to "pop" more, while values for either side fade gradually away from the centre, with a different tint. Are there any sources of good diverging colour palettes that have a stronger saturation in the middle, and fade on both sides?
Here's a sample code for illustration, picking black as a neutral middle point (I'd prefer something less dramatic, but it's hard to have it blend well with both sides).
grid.raster(brewer.pal(7,"PRGn"), 0.25, 0.5, 0.4, 1)
custom <- c(brewer.pal(3,"BuPu"), "black", rev(brewer.pal(3,"BuGn")))
grid.raster(custom, 0.75, 0.5, 0.4, 1)
Edit: to clarify, I'm familiar with colorRampPalette
and scale_colour_gradientn
, I seek advice in
1- choosing good colours for this purpose;
2- defining a colour scale mapping the hand-crafted palette to a variable, similar to what scale_colour_gradient2
does with the mid
parameter (the central colour may not be at the exact centre of the parameter range)
par(bg = 'grey97', xpd = NA);plot(1:1000, pch = 19, cex = 5, col = colorRampPalette(c('lightgreen','black','mediumpurple1'))(1000))
And if you want more lighter shades, just repeat the colors:plot(1:1000, pch = 19, cex = 5, col = colorRampPalette(c('lightgreen','lightgreen','black','mediumpurple1','mediumpurple1'))(1000))
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