I am attempting to bridge between the VSSDK and Roslyn SDK in a Visual Studio extension package and have been having a hard time with this. The ActivePoint.AbsoluteCharOffset given from Visual Studio does not match the element I get from Roslyn when using FindToken(offset). I'm fairly sure this has to do with how each side counts EOL characters based on my current working hack but I'm not 100% that my hack is going to hold up in the long run.
My hack is this line: charOffset += point.Line;
I add the number of lines onto the char offset, this seems to work so I'm guessing I am adding in all the line break characters that are being ignored by activepoint counting.
private VisualStudioWorkspace workspace = null;
public RoslynUtilities(VisualStudioWorkspace workspace)
this.workspace = workspace;
public Solution Solution { get { return workspace.CurrentSolution; } }
public Document GetDocumentFromPath(string fullPath)
foreach (Project proj in this.Solution.Projects)
foreach (Document doc in proj.Documents)
if (doc.FilePath == fullPath)
return doc;
return null;
public SyntaxTree GetSyntaxTreeFromDocumentPath(string fullPath)
Document doc = GetDocumentFromPath(fullPath);
if (doc != null)
return doc.GetSyntaxTreeAsync().Result;
return null;
public SyntaxNode GetNodeByFilePosition(string fullPath, int absoluteChar)
SyntaxTree tree = GetSyntaxTreeFromDocumentPath(fullPath);
if(tree != null)
var compUnit = tree.GetCompilationUnitRoot();
if(compUnit != null)
return compUnit.FindToken(absoluteChar, true).Parent;
return null;
private VisualStudioWorkspace GetRoslynWorkspace()
var componentModel = (IComponentModel)GetGlobalService(typeof(SComponentModel));
return componentModel.GetService<VisualStudioWorkspace>();
Main Part
EnvDTE80.DTE2 applicationObject = (EnvDTE80.DTE2)GetService(typeof(SDTE));
EnvDTE.TextSelection ts = applicationObject.ActiveWindow.Selection as EnvDTE.TextSelection;
if (ts == null)
EnvDTE.VirtualPoint point = ts.ActivePoint;
int charOffset = point.AbsoluteCharOffset;
charOffset += point.Line;//HACK ALERT
Parse.Roslyn.RoslynUtilities roslyn = new Parse.Roslyn.RoslynUtilities(GetRoslynWorkspace());
SyntaxNode node = roslyn.GetNodeByFilePosition(applicationObject.ActiveDocument.FullName, charOffset);