I just wanted to share something with you.
I got some hard time with ng-mouseenter
and ng-mouseleave
The case study:
I created a floating navigation menu which is toggle when the cursor is over an icon.
This menu was on top of each page.
- To handle show/hide on the menu, I toggle a class.
ng-class="{down: vm.isHover}"
- To toggle vm.isHover, I use the ng mouse events.
ng-mouseenter="vm.isHover = true"
ng-mouseleave="vm.isHover = false"
For now, everything was fine and worked as expected.
The solution is clean and simple.
The incoming problem:
In a specific view, I have a list of elements.
I added an action panel when the cursor is over an element of the list.
I used the same code as above to handle the behavior.
The problem:
I figured out when my cursor is on the floating navigation menu and also on the top of an element, there is a conflict between each other.
The action panel showed up and the floating navigation was hide.
The thing is that even if the cursor is over the floating navigation menu, the list element ng-mouseenter is triggered.
It makes no sense to me, because I would expect an automatic break of the mouse propagation events.
I must say that I was disappointed and I spend some time to find out that problem.
First thoughts:
I tried to use these :
I combined a lot of ng pointer events (mousemove, mouveover, ...) but none help me.
CSS solution:
I found the solution with a simple css property that I use more and more:
pointer-events: none;
Basically, I use it like that (on my list elements):
ng-style="{'pointer-events': vm.isHover ? 'none' : ''}"
With this tricky one, the ng-mouse events will no longer be triggered and my floating navigation menu will no longer close himself when the cursor is over it and over an element from the list.
To go further:
As you may expect, this solution works but I don't like it.
We do not control our events and it is bad.
Plus, you must have an access to the vm.isHover
scope to achieve that and it may not be possible or possible but dirty in some way or another.
I could make a fiddle if someone want to look.
Nevertheless, I don't have another solution...
It's a long story and I can't give you a potato so please forgive me my friend.
Anyway, pointer-events: none
is life, so remember it.