I am relatively new to Objective-C and am attempting to use RestKit to receive a JSON response from a web service. I have successfully received the data back to my application, which looks like this viewing the response:
I would like to map this translation to my "Translation" object in my application, but have tried a few different ways but am not sure how to achieve this.
So my questions are:
- How can I map this response to my Translation object
- Am I doing this correctly, creating a method to complete this call outwit my view controller?
My Translation Object
@implementation Translation
@synthesize identifier = _identifier;
@synthesize translation = _translation;
- (NSDictionary*)elementToPropertyMappings {
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithKeysAndObjects:
@"id", @"identifier",
@"translation", @"translation",
My Translate Method
- (NSString *)performTranslation:(NSString *)translation
NSString *data = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"{\"SourceId\": \"%@\",\"RegionTag\": \"%@\",\"InputString\": \"%@\"}", @"1", @"Glasgow", translation];
NSString *post = data;
RKRequest *MyRequest = [[RKRequest alloc] initWithURL:[[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@"http://my.url.com/Translation/Translate"]];
MyRequest.method = RKRequestMethodPOST;
MyRequest.HTTPBodyString = post;
MyRequest.additionalHTTPHeaders = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:@"application/json", @"Content-Type", @"application/json", @"Accept", nil];
[MyRequest send];
RKResponse *Response = [MyRequest sendSynchronously];
return Response.bodyAsString; <--- looking to map this to translation object here