In the following code, it seems that the client.Connect.Receive is pinning the "byte[] result" permanently, causing the memory to never be freed (as it's always pinned). I'm looking for a way to tell C# that result no-longer needs to be pinned after it's usage in this.OnReceive, but I can't find the built-in function or keyword to do this.
Does anyone know how I can get C# to unpin the byte[] array? (this is one of the sources of memory leaks in my C# application)
this.m_TcpListener = new TcpListener(this.p_TcpEndPoint.Port);
this.m_TcpThread = new Thread(delegate()
while (this.p_Running)
TcpClient client = this.m_TcpListener.AcceptTcpClient();
new Thread(() =>
// Read the length header.
byte[] lenbytes = new byte[4];
int lbytesread = client.Client.Receive(lenbytes, 0, 4, SocketFlags.None);
if (lbytesread != 4) return; // drop this packet :(
int length = System.BitConverter.ToInt32(lenbytes, 0);
int r = 0;
// Read the actual data.
byte[] result = new byte[length];
while (r < length)
int bytes = client.Client.Receive(result, r, length - r, SocketFlags.None);
r += bytes;
Console.WriteLine("Received TCP packet from " + (client.Client.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint).Address.ToString() + ".");
this.OnReceive(client.Client.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint, result, length);
catch (SocketException)
// Do nothing.
//this.Log(LogType.DEBUG, "Received a message from " + from.ToString());
catch (Exception e)
if (e is ThreadAbortException)
throw e;
this.m_TcpThread.IsBackground = true;
throw e;
. Instead, writethrow;
. Otherwise, you'll destroy the stack trace. – Fourth