I'm trying to use JCrop with AngularJS. I have the following directive that I need help to fix a bit:
.directive('imgCropped', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
scope: { src:'@', selected:'&' },
link: function(scope,element, attr) {
var myImg;
var clear = function() {
if (myImg) {
myImg = undefined;
scope.$watch('src', function(nv) {
if (nv) {
element.after('<img />');
myImg = element.next();
trackDocument: true,
onSelect: function(x) {
/*if (!scope.$$phase) {
scope.$apply(function() {
scope.selected({cords: x});
scope.selected({cords: x});
aspectRatio: 1,
boxWidth: 400, boxHeight: 400,
setSelect: [0, 0, 400, 400]
scope.$on('$destroy', clear);
the problem is that JCrop doesn't detect the true image size correctly and I need to add a trueSize option, the only way that I know how to do is to wrap the Jcrop invocation in a callback, looks pretty nasty.
also, if I use scope.$apply in the onSelect callback I get the $digest already in progress error. why is that ?
EDIT: I can successfully get the true image size with the following code, but there must be a better way to do so
.directive('imgCropped', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
scope: { src:'@', selected:'&' },
link: function(scope,element, attr) {
var myImg;
var clear = function() {
if (myImg) {
myImg = undefined;
scope.$watch('src', function(nv) {
if (nv) {
element.after('<img />');
myImg = element.next();
var temp = new Image();
temp.src = nv;
temp.onload = function() {
var width = this.width;
var height = this.height;
trackDocument: true,
onSelect: function(x) {
/*if (!scope.$$phase) {
scope.$apply(function() {
scope.selected({cords: x});
scope.selected({cords: x});
aspectRatio: 1,
boxWidth: 400, boxHeight: 400,
setSelect: [0, 0, 400, 400],
trueSize: [width, height]
scope.$on('$destroy', clear);