this is an extension of Android: Why do we need to use R2 instead of R with butterknife? and Reference in not final
I understand that fields of in the library project do not have final modifier to protect value collisions between library projects. However ButterKnife recovers final modifier in R2 and uses it.
I think this goes to the collision problem and values can collide, but there is no problem. How does it work?
I add examples. There are one main project and one library project. The main project has com.main.R and the library project has com.library.R.
- When there is a collision:
- com.main.R: public static final int example = 0x1234
- com.library.R: public static int example = 0x1234
if build tools does not recompile the library project, how can we avoid the collision between those values?
- When ButterKnife creates R2
- com.main.R: public static final int example = 0x1234
- com.library.R: public static int example = 0x1234
- com.library.R2: public static final int example = 0x1234
com.library.R2 has a collision and even it has a final modifier. Doesn't it produce a problem? why?
anymore. Refer this – Border