I finally got this working in my own project (which happens to be in Xcode). Adding these 3 scripts to your build phase will automatically create a Disk Image for your product that is nice and neat. All you have to do is build your project and the DMG will be waiting in your products folder.
Script 1 (Create Temp Disk Image):
#Create a R/W DMG
rm -rf "$dir"
mkdir "$dir"
ln -s "/Applications" "$dir/Applications"
mkdir "$dir/.background"
cp "$PROJECT_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME/some_image.png" "$dir/.background"
rm -f "$dmg"
hdiutil create "$dmg" -srcfolder "$dir" -volname "$PRODUCT_NAME" -format UDRW
#Mount the disk image, and store the device name
hdiutil attach "$dmg" -noverify -noautoopen -readwrite
Script 2 (Set Window Properties Script):
#get the dimensions of the main window using a bash script
set {width, height, scale} to words of (do shell script "system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | awk '/Main Display: Yes/{found=1} /Resolution/{width=$2; height=$4} /Retina/{scale=($2 == \"Yes\" ? 2 : 1)} /^ {8}[^ ]+/{if(found) {exit}; scale=1} END{printf \"%d %d %d\\n\", width, height, scale}'")
set x to ((width / 2) / scale)
set y to ((height / 2) / scale)
#get the product name using a bash script
set {product_name} to words of (do shell script "printf \"%s\", $PRODUCT_NAME")
set background to alias ("Volumes:"&product_name&":.background:some_image.png")
tell application "Finder"
tell disk product_name
set current view of container window to icon view
set toolbar visible of container window to false
set statusbar visible of container window to false
set the bounds of container window to {x, y, (x + 479), (y + 383)}
set theViewOptions to the icon view options of container window
set arrangement of theViewOptions to not arranged
set icon size of theViewOptions to 128
set background picture of theViewOptions to background
set position of item (product_name & ".app") of container window to {100, 225}
set position of item "Applications" of container window to {375, 225}
update without registering applications
end tell
end tell
The above measurement for the window work for my project specifically due to the size of my background pic and icon resolution; you may need to modify these values for your own project.
Script 3 (Make Final Disk Image Script):
cp "$PROJECT_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME/some_other_image.png" "$dir/"
#unmount the temp image file, then convert it to final image file
hdiutil detach /Volumes/$PRODUCT_NAME
hdiutil convert "$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$PRODUCT_NAME.temp.dmg" -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o "$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$PRODUCT_NAME.dmg"
#Change the icon of the image file
sips -i "$dir/some_other_image.png"
DeRez -only icns "$dir/some_other_image.png" > "$dir/tmpicns.rsrc"
Rez -append "$dir/tmpicns.rsrc" -o "$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$PRODUCT_NAME.dmg"
rm -rf "$dir"
Make sure the image files you are using are in the $PROJECT_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME/ directory!