Yes it is possible. Here is the code I use.
The layout:
var Layout = Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
initialize: function(options) {
options = _.extend({ regionTag: 'div' }, options);
this.mergeOptions(options, ['regionTag', 'regionName']);
template: false,
regions: {},
append: function(view) {
var viewClass = 'dynamic-layout-' + this.regionName,
viewCount = $('.' + viewClass).length + 1,
viewId = this.regionName + '-view-' + viewCount,
$el = $('<' + this.regionTag + '/>', {
id: viewId,
class: viewClass
var region = Marionette.Region.extend({
el: '#' + viewId
this.regionManager.addRegion(viewId, region);
appendEmpty: function(id, className, tag) {
tag = tag || 'div';
var data = { id: id, className: className, tag: tag };
var $el = Marionette.Renderer.render('#append-layout-template', data);
var region = Marionette.Region.extend({
el: '#' + id
this.regionManager.addRegion(id, region);
customRemove: function(regionId) {
A helpful template:
<script type="text/template" id="append-layout-template">
<<%= tag %> id='<%= id %>' class='<%= className %>'></<%= tag %>>
The controller:
var view = new SomeView();
// the region name will be a part of a unique id
var layout = new Layout({ regionName: 'myRegion' });
// add a dynamic region to the layout and a view to that region
// same as above (you have to name the id and class yourself)
var regionId = 'myRegionId';
layout.appendEmpty(regionId, 'someClassName', 'span');
// remove a region