How can I scale PictureBox components to best fit the given space on the screen while keeping their aspect ratio (interdependent of the actual image or its SizeMode) ?
I tested setting the Dock of the FlowLayout and the PictureBox to Fill. I also tested using a Panel as a wrapper and tested different settings for AutoSize and AutoSizeMode.
To give more information about the background: I want to dynamically add and remove images in the viewport of the application, so a TableLayout is in the first step sort of to static. I have to admit I'm was also thinking of calculating the size an position manually - or to dynamically adapt the row and column count of the TableLayout - but it seems to me prone to errors. I thought having a FlowLayout and automatically sized components should be the correct way - but it seems not to work that way. (To speak as web developer, I simply want to "float the images left", "with width and height set to 'auto'" and no scrolling.)
The images should visualize this a bit: the first figure should point out the layout, if there is only one PictureBox - it takes the whole space (or as big as possible with the given aspect ratio). The second shows how I would like the Layout to be, if there are two (three or four) images. The third figure is showing basically a resized window with three (to six) images.
Is there some point I'm missing?