According to my understanding you want to have the following:
- The downstream system can throttle incoming requests
1.1 The system is smart enough to provide a RetryAfter
time span
- You want to avoid flooding the downstream system if you already know that you are throttled
- But you don't want to lose any incoming request rather prefer processing all of them eventually
Let's put together a working example
#1 - Downstream system
Here we will implement a super simple mock which can mimic throttling.
Let's start with the exception
public class DownstreamServiceException: Exception
public TimeSpan RetryAfter { get; set; }
Now, let's see the service code
public class DownstreamService
private readonly CancellationTokenSource initCompletionSignal;
private readonly TimeSpan initDuration;
private bool isAvailable = false;
private DateTime initEstimatedEnd;
public DownstreamService()
initDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
initCompletionSignal = new CancellationTokenSource(initDuration);
initCompletionSignal.Token.Register(() => isAvailable = true);
initEstimatedEnd = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(initDuration);
public Task<string> GetAsync()
if (!isAvailable) throw new DownstreamServiceException { RetryAfter = initEstimatedEnd - DateTime.UtcNow };
return Task.FromResult("Available");
- For the sake of simplicity I've used made the service unavailable for the first 10 seconds
- I've used a
as a timer to make the service available
- If the
is called while it is not available (we are throttled) it returns an exception otherwise with the "Available"
#2 - Avoid flooding is downstream is not available
Here we will define a Circuit Breaker to short-cut the requests if the downstream is not available (we are throttled)
var throttledPolicy = Policy<string>
.CircuitBreakerAsync(1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0),
onBreak: (result, state, _, __) => {
if (state == CircuitState.Open) return;
throw result.Exception;
onReset: (_) => Console.WriteLine("onReset"),
onHalfOpen: () => { });
- The Circuit Breaker will transit from Closed to Open when we receive the first
- The duration of break (
) does not matter here
- We will control the Circuit Breaker's state from the Retry logic
if (state == CircuitState.Open)
: This will be explained under the retry section
- And finally re-throw the original exception (I know, I know ... it should be avoided, but it keeps our example application simple)
#3 - Retry until eventually processed
This is the most complicated part of the solution, because this retry policy handles multiple exceptions (DownstreamServiceException
, IsolatedCircuitException
) in a different way
CancellationTokenSource throttlingEndSignal;
var retryPolicy = Policy<string>
.WaitAndRetryForeverAsync(_ => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3),
onRetry: (dr, __) =>
Console.WriteLine($"onRetry caused by {dr.Exception.GetType().Name}");
if (dr.Exception is DownstreamServiceException dse)
throttlingEndSignal = new(dse.RetryAfter);
throttlingEndSignal.Token.Register(() => throttledPolicy.Reset());
- Let's start with the
- We will receive this exception because we are going to chain together the two policies and Circuit Breaker's
delegate re-throws the received exception
- Inside the
we have a guard expression for DownstreamServiceException
- Here we call the
on the Circuit Breaker, which tries to transit from Open state to Isolated state >> calls the onBreak
- In order to avoid infinite loop that's why we had this
if (state == CircuitState.Open) return;
code there
- We do the same timer trick here with the
, when ever the throttling ends we push the Circuit Breaker back to Closed state (Reset
- The
case is much more simple
- We receive this exception whenever we tries to perform a retry attempt but the Circuit Breaker is in Isolated state
- So, the CB short cuts the execution and because of WaitAndRetryForever call we will eventually succeed
Put things together
var combinedPolicy = Policy.WrapAsync(retryPolicy, throttledPolicy);
var result = await combinedPolicy.ExecuteAsync(async () => await service.GetAsync());
Please note the followings:
- This solution works well with multiple requests as well because Circuit Breaker is shared
- This solution is a workaround, because we ca not set the duration of break dynamically
I hope you found this little sample application useful :)