The following code reads a user input string of unspecified length. Be aware that it requires a compiler that supports deferred-length character strings: character(len = :)
. Deferred-length character strings were introduced in Fortran 2003.
program test
use iso_fortran_env, only : IOSTAT_EOR
implicit none
integer :: io_number
character(len = 1) :: buffer
character(len = :), allocatable :: input, output
input = ""
print *, "Please input your message."
read(unit = *, fmt = '(a)', advance = "no", iostat = io_number) buffer
select case (io_number)
input = input // buffer
end select
end do
allocate(character(len=(len(input))) :: output)
! Now use "input" and "output" with the ciphering subroutine/function.
end program test
The idea is to read in a single character at a time while looking for the end-of-record (eor) condition. The eor condition is caused by the user pressing the "return" key. The "iostat" option can be used to look for eor. The value returned by "iostat" is equal to the integer constant "IOSTAT_EOR" located in the the module "iso_fortran_env":
use iso_fortran_env, only : IOSTAT_EOR
We declare a deferred-length character string to grab user input of an unknown length:
character(len = :), allocatable :: input
In the "read" statement, "advance = 'no'" allows a few characters to be read in at a time. The size of "buffer" determines the number of characters to be read in (1 in our case).
read(unit = *, fmt = '(a)', advance = "no", iostat = io_number) buffer
If "iostat" returns a "0", then there were no errors and no eor. In this case the "buffer" character should be added to the "input" string. Ultimately this step allocates a "new" input that has the size of the "old" input + the buffer character. The newly allocated input contains the characters from the old input + the buffer character.
select case (io_number)
input = input // buffer
If "iostat" returns an eor value, then exit the do loop.