I have a 1.6gb xml file, and when I parse it with Sax Machine it does not seem to be streaming or eating the file in chunks - rather it appears to be loading the whole file into memory (or maybe there is a memory leak somewhere?) because my ruby process climbs upwards of 2.5gb of ram. I don't know where it stops growing because I ran out of memory.
On a smaller file (50mb) it also appears to be loading the whole file. My task iterates over the records in the xml file and saves each record to a database. It takes about 30 seconds of "idling" and then all of a sudden the database queries start executing.
I thought SAX was supposed to allow you to work with large files like this without loading the whole thing in memory.
Is there something I am overlooking?
Many thanks
Update to add code sample
class FeedImporter
class FeedListing
include ::SAXMachine
element :id
element :title
element :description
element :url
def to_hash
{}.tap do |hash|
self.class.column_names.each do |key|
hash[key] = send(key)
class Feed
include ::SAXMachine
elements :listing, :as => :listings, :class => FeedListing
def perform
open('~/feeds/large_feed.xml') do |file|
# I think that SAXMachine is trying to load All of the listing elements into this one ruby object.
puts 'Parsing'
feed = Feed.parse(file)
# We are now iterating over each of the listing elements, but they have been "parsed" from the feed already.
puts 'Importing'
feed.listings.each do |listing|
As you can see, I don't care about the <listings>
element in the feed. I just want the attributes of each <listing>
The output looks like this:
... wait forever
Importing (actually, I don't ever see this on the big file (1.6gb) because too much memory is used :(