So, I have the following entities:
public class Supplier {
@Column(name = "SUPPLIERID")
private BigInteger supplierId;
@JoinColumn(name = "ID_SUPP", foreignKey = @ForeignKey(name = "fk_POIS_SUPP"))
private List<POS> posList;
public class POS {
@Column(name = "POSID")
private BigInteger posId
does not have a reference to Supplier
, which means that we have a unidirectional one-to-many relationship. I need to look for a POS
by posId
and supplierId
. That is, find a supplier with the specified supplierId
and then find a pos in the supplier's list of pos's that has the specified posId. How do I write a criteria query for this?
I tried using subqueries. My idea was to create a subquery that would fetch all POS
's of a Supplier
with a given supplierId
. Then the main query would search within those POS
's for a POS
with the given posId
The problem was I couldn't write a query that would fetch a Supplier
s list of POS
s. Apparently you can't write a query of type List<POS>
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<POS> outerQuery = cb.createQuery(POS.class);
Root<POS> outerQueryRoot = outerQuery.from(POS.class);
Subquery<POS> subquery = outerQuery.subquery(POS.class);
Root<Supplier> subqueryRoot = subquery.from(Supplier.class);
subquery.where(cb.equal(subqueryRoot.get(Supplier_.supplierId), supplierId));;
On this last line, I get a compilation error that Expression<POS> does not match Expression<List<POS>>
. And I can't change the type of the subquery because Java doesn't allow generic class literals (List<POS>.class
Any ideas?