Background: This problem came up with Doctrine ODM, that uses a _doctrine_class_name field in DBRefs that is invisible in the Mongo shell (2.2.2) and caused quite a culprit, when we had to update a record manually.
mongoshell> use testdb; // for safety
mongoshell> a = DBRef("layout_block", ObjectId("510a71fde1dc610965000005")); // create a dbref
mongoshell> a.hiddenfield = "whatever" // add a field that's normally not there like Doctrine does
mongoshell> a // view it's contents, you won't see hiddenfield
mongoshell> for (k in a) { var val = a[k]; print( k + "(" + typeof(val) + "): " + val ); } // you can see that there's more if you iterate through it
mongoshell>{ref: [ a ]}) // you can have it in a collection
mongoshell> db.testcoll.findOne(); // and normally you won't see it
Without an iteration like the third command from below (or MongoVue), you won't ever know there's more in a DBRef if you simply use find(). I have not found any usable modifier for find()(tried: toArray, tojson, printjson, toString, hex, base64, pretty, chatty, verbose, ...).
Has anybody got a method to display DBRef contents verbosely in mongo shell?