I am using :
library to implement Facebook like sliding menu, along with ActionBarSherlock library.
The BehindContentView in my case is a ListFragment.
1. Click on an Image to get the behindView (calling toggle();).
2. onListItemClicked takes to an Activity_2 displaying the text of the item clicked.
3. in this Activity_2 when i click device back button i get the main Activity_1 but the behindView is open. Usually in Facebook or Google+ the behavior is that, the behindView is hidden when you come back to Activity_1 from any other Activity.
4. Moreover on Activity_2 even after having these lines, the home doesn't seem to work(nothing happens when i click the home button).
ActionBar bar = this.getSupportActionBar();
bar.setDisplayOptions(0, ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_TITLE);
How to solve step 3 and 4??
Thank You