I have been using select to handle connections, recently there was a change an our socket library and select was replaced by epoll for linux platform.
my application architecture is such that I make only one or at max 2 socket connections and epoll/select on them in a single thread.
now with recent switch to epoll i noticed that performance of application has diminshed, I was actually surprised and was expecting performance go up or reamin same. I tried looking at various other parts and this is the only peice of code that has changed.
does epoll have performance penalty in terms of speed if used for very small number of sockets (like 1 or 2).
also anoher thing to note that I run around 125 such processes on same box (8 cpu cores). could this be case that too many processes doing epoll_wait on same machine, this setup was similar when i was using select.
i noticed on box that load average is much higher but cpu usage was quite the same which makes me think that more time is spend in I/O and probaly coming from epoll related changes.
any ideas/pointers on what should i look more to identify the problem.
although absolute latency increased is quite small like average 1 millisec but this is a realtime system and this kind of latencies are generally unaccpetable.
Updating this question on latest findinds, apart from switching from select to epoll I found another relate change, earlier timeout with select was 10 millis but with epoll the way timeout is way smaller than before (like 1 micro..), can setting too low timeout in select or epoll result on decreased performance in anyway?