It took me a while to find how to load the font in XNA to draw the text but everything works fine.
You need 4 things:
- Make form topmost
- Extend aero glass style to whole form (for transparency to work)
- Initialize XNA, Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0
- Draw the texture and text
One limitation
The game must not be in fullscreen mode. The same as the TurboHUD limitation
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Drawing;
namespace XNATransparentWindow
public partial class Form1 : Form
private ContentBuilder contentBuilder;
public Form1()
TopMost = true;
FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;
MARGINS margins = new MARGINS();
margins.leftWidth = 0;
margins.rightWidth = 0;
margins.topHeight = this.Width;
margins.bottomHeight = this.Height;
// Extend aero glass style to whole form
DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(this.Handle, ref margins);
//Load XNA directX
this.contentBuilder = new ContentBuilder();
graphicsDeviceService = GraphicsDeviceService.AddRef(Handle, ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height);
//Register the service, so components like ContentManager can find it.
//Get the Graphics device
dev = graphicsDeviceService.GraphicsDevice;
if(dev == null){/*error message*/}
//Load texture
int bufferSize;
System.IO.MemoryStream memoryStream;
Bitmap img;
using (img = new Bitmap(@"C:\...\.png"))
bufferSize = img.Height * img.Width * 4;
memoryStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(bufferSize);
img.Save(memoryStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
texture = Texture2D.FromStream(dev, memoryStream, img.Width, img.Height, false);
if(texture == null){/*error message*/}
//Create sprite
s_Batch = new SpriteBatch(dev);
if(s_Batch == null){/*error message*/}
FontPos = new Vector2(270.0F, 110.0F);
//Load font
contentManager = new ContentManager(services, this.contentBuilder.OutputDirectory);
this.contentBuilder.Add(@"C:\...\my_font1.spritefont","my_font1", "FontDescriptionImporter", "FontDescriptionProcessor");
//Build spritefont to get the .xbn file
string error = this.contentBuilder.Build();
//If build fail
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
//Load the .xbn file
Font1 = contentManager.Load<SpriteFont>("my_font1");
if(Font1 == null){/*error message*/}
static extern int DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(IntPtr hWnd, ref MARGINS margin);
static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 Msg, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam);
public struct MARGINS
public int leftWidth;
public int rightWidth;
public int topHeight;
public int bottomHeight;
public ServiceContainer Services
get { return services; }
ServiceContainer services = new ServiceContainer();
GraphicsDevice dev;
SpriteFont Font1;
Vector2 FontPos;
SpriteBatch s_Batch;
Texture2D texture;
ContentManager contentManager;
GraphicsDeviceService graphicsDeviceService;
private const UInt32 WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = 0xA1;
private const Int32 HTCAPTION = 0x2;
private void Form1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right)
else //to move the form
this.Capture = false;
SendMessage(this.Handle, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, 0);
private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
//There are two buffers. One offscreen-backbuffer and the
//frontbuffer which is the actual form in this example. The
//drawings are done to the backbuffer and in the end the two
//buffers flip. The backbuffer becomes frontbuffer and the
//frontbuffer becomes backbuffer.
//The drawing should start when the last resource is loaded.
//Since Font1 is the last one in this example I check for this
if (Font1 == null)
//clear the backbuffer with transparent color.
//Do all your drawings here
//draw texture and text with the sprite
s_Batch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend);
s_Batch.Draw(texture, new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height), Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.White);
s_Batch.DrawString(Font1, @"XNA FRAMEWORK", FontPos, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Black);
//here the flip is performed
//Release resources
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
The following classes are just copy-paste from an example XNA 4.0 Content Compiler I found(with minor adjustments). They are used just to load the font for drawing the text:
#region File Description
// GraphicsDeviceService.cs
// Microsoft XNA Community Game Platform
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
// The IGraphicsDeviceService interface requires a DeviceCreated event, but we
// always just create the device inside our constructor, so we have no place to
// raise that event. The C# compiler warns us that the event is never used, but
// we don't care so we just disable this warning.
#pragma warning disable 67
namespace XNATransparentWindow
/// <summary>
/// Helper class responsible for creating and managing the GraphicsDevice.
/// All GraphicsDeviceControl instances share the same GraphicsDeviceService,
/// so even though there can be many controls, there will only ever be a single
/// underlying GraphicsDevice. This implements the standard IGraphicsDeviceService
/// interface, which provides notification events for when the device is reset
/// or disposed.
/// </summary>
class GraphicsDeviceService : IGraphicsDeviceService
#region Fields
// Singleton device service instance.
static GraphicsDeviceService singletonInstance;
// Keep track of how many controls are sharing the singletonInstance.
static int referenceCount;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor is private, because this is a singleton class:
/// client controls should use the public AddRef method instead.
/// </summary>
GraphicsDeviceService(IntPtr windowHandle, int width, int height)
parameters = new PresentationParameters();
parameters.BackBufferWidth = Math.Max(width, 1);
parameters.BackBufferHeight = Math.Max(height, 1);
parameters.BackBufferFormat = SurfaceFormat.Vector4; // SurfaceFormat.Color;
parameters.DeviceWindowHandle = windowHandle;
parameters.PresentationInterval = PresentInterval.Immediate;
parameters.IsFullScreen = false;
graphicsDevice = new GraphicsDevice(GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter, GraphicsProfile.Reach, parameters);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a reference to the singleton instance.
/// </summary>
public static GraphicsDeviceService AddRef(IntPtr windowHandle,
int width, int height)
// Increment the "how many controls sharing the device" reference count.
if (Interlocked.Increment(ref referenceCount) == 1)
// If this is the first control to start using the
// device, we must create the singleton instance.
singletonInstance = new GraphicsDeviceService(windowHandle,
width, height);
return singletonInstance;
/// <summary>
/// Releases a reference to the singleton instance.
/// </summary>
public void Release(bool disposing)
// Decrement the "how many controls sharing the device" reference count.
if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref referenceCount) == 0)
// If this is the last control to finish using the
// device, we should dispose the singleton instance.
if (disposing)
if (DeviceDisposing != null)
DeviceDisposing(this, EventArgs.Empty);
graphicsDevice = null;
/// <summary>
/// Resets the graphics device to whichever is bigger out of the specified
/// resolution or its current size. This behavior means the device will
/// demand-grow to the largest of all its GraphicsDeviceControl clients.
/// </summary>
public void ResetDevice(int width, int height)
if (DeviceResetting != null)
DeviceResetting(this, EventArgs.Empty);
parameters.BackBufferWidth = Math.Max(parameters.BackBufferWidth, width);
parameters.BackBufferHeight = Math.Max(parameters.BackBufferHeight, height);
if (DeviceReset != null)
DeviceReset(this, EventArgs.Empty);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current graphics device.
/// </summary>
public GraphicsDevice GraphicsDevice
get { return graphicsDevice; }
GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice;
// Store the current device settings.
PresentationParameters parameters;
// IGraphicsDeviceService events.
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> DeviceCreated;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> DeviceDisposing;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> DeviceReset;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> DeviceResetting;
#region File Description
// ServiceContainer.cs
// Microsoft XNA Community Game Platform
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace XNATransparentWindow
/// <summary>
/// Container class implements the IServiceProvider interface. This is used
/// to pass shared services between different components, for instance the
/// ContentManager uses it to locate the IGraphicsDeviceService implementation.
/// </summary>
public class ServiceContainer : IServiceProvider
Dictionary<Type, object> services = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
/// <summary>
/// Adds a new service to the collection.
/// </summary>
public void AddService<T>(T service)
services.Add(typeof(T), service);
/// <summary>
/// Looks up the specified service.
/// </summary>
public object GetService(Type serviceType)
object service;
services.TryGetValue(serviceType, out service);
return service;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.Build.Construction;
using Microsoft.Build.Evaluation;
using Microsoft.Build.Execution;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
namespace XNATransparentWindow
public class ContentBuilder : IDisposable
#region Fields
// What importers or processors should we load?
const string xnaVersion = ", Version=, PublicKeyToken=842cf8be1de50553";
static string[] pipelineAssemblies =
"Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.FBXImporter" + xnaVersion,
"Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.XImporter" + xnaVersion,
"Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.TextureImporter" + xnaVersion,
"Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.EffectImporter" + xnaVersion,
"Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.AudioImporters" + xnaVersion,
"Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.VideoImporters" + xnaVersion,
// If you want to use custom importers or processors from
// a Content Pipeline Extension Library, add them here.
// If your extension DLL is installed in the GAC, you should refer to it by assembly
// name, eg. "MyPipelineExtension, Version=, PublicKeyToken=1234567812345678".
// If the extension DLL is not in the GAC, you should refer to it by
// file path, eg. "c:/MyProject/bin/MyPipelineExtension.dll".
// MSBuild objects used to dynamically build content.
Project buildProject;
ProjectRootElement projectRootElement;
BuildParameters buildParameters;
List<ProjectItem> projectItems = new List<ProjectItem>();
//ErrorLogger errorLogger;
// Temporary directories used by the content build.
string buildDirectory;
string processDirectory;
string baseDirectory;
// Generate unique directory names if there is more than one ContentBuilder.
static int directorySalt;
// Have we been disposed?
bool isDisposed;
#region Properties
/// Gets the output directory, which will contain the generated .xnb files.
public string OutputDirectory
get { return Path.Combine(buildDirectory, "bin/Content"); }
#region Initialization
/// Creates a new content builder.
public ContentBuilder()
/// Finalizes the content builder.
/// Disposes the content builder when it is no longer required.
public void Dispose()
/// Implements the standard .NET IDisposable pattern.
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!isDisposed)
isDisposed = true;
#region MSBuild
/// Creates a temporary MSBuild content project in memory.
void CreateBuildProject()
string projectPath = Path.Combine(buildDirectory, "content.contentproj");
string outputPath = Path.Combine(buildDirectory, "bin");
// Create the build project.
projectRootElement = ProjectRootElement.Create(projectPath);
// Include the standard targets file that defines how to build XNA Framework content.
projectRootElement.AddImport("$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\\Microsoft\\XNA Game Studio\\" +
buildProject = new Project(projectRootElement);
buildProject.SetProperty("XnaPlatform", "Windows");
buildProject.SetProperty("XnaProfile", "Reach");
buildProject.SetProperty("XnaFrameworkVersion", "v4.0");
buildProject.SetProperty("Configuration", "Release");
buildProject.SetProperty("OutputPath", outputPath);
// Register any custom importers or processors.
foreach (string pipelineAssembly in pipelineAssemblies)
buildProject.AddItem("Reference", pipelineAssembly);
// Hook up our custom error logger.
//errorLogger = new ErrorLogger();
buildParameters = new BuildParameters(ProjectCollection.GlobalProjectCollection);
//buildParameters.Loggers = new ILogger[] { errorLogger };
/// Adds a new content file to the MSBuild project. The importer and
/// processor are optional: if you leave the importer null, it will
/// be autodetected based on the file extension, and if you leave the
/// processor null, data will be passed through without any processing.
public void Add(string filename, string name, string importer, string processor)
ProjectItem item = buildProject.AddItem("Compile", filename)[0];
item.SetMetadataValue("Link", Path.GetFileName(filename));
item.SetMetadataValue("Name", name);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(importer))
item.SetMetadataValue("Importer", importer);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(processor))
item.SetMetadataValue("Processor", processor);
/// Removes all content files from the MSBuild project.
public void Clear()
/// Builds all the content files which have been added to the project,
/// dynamically creating .xnb files in the OutputDirectory.
/// Returns an error message if the build fails.
public string Build()
// Create and submit a new asynchronous build request.
BuildRequestData request = new BuildRequestData(buildProject.CreateProjectInstance(), new string[0]);
BuildSubmission submission = BuildManager.DefaultBuildManager.PendBuildRequest(request);
submission.ExecuteAsync(null, null);
// Wait for the build to finish.
// If the build failed, return an error string.
if (submission.BuildResult.OverallResult == BuildResultCode.Failure)
//return string.Join("\n", errorLogger.Errors.ToArray());
return null;
#region Temp Directories
/// Creates a temporary directory in which to build content.
void CreateTempDirectory()
// Start with a standard base name:
// %temp%\WinFormsContentLoading.ContentBuilder
baseDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), GetType().FullName);
// Include our process ID, in case there is more than
// one copy of the program running at the same time:
// %temp%\WinFormsContentLoading.ContentBuilder\<ProcessId>
int processId = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;
processDirectory = Path.Combine(baseDirectory, processId.ToString());
// Include a salt value, in case the program
// creates more than one ContentBuilder instance:
// %temp%\WinFormsContentLoading.ContentBuilder\<ProcessId>\<Salt>
buildDirectory = Path.Combine(processDirectory, directorySalt.ToString());
// Create our temporary directory.
/// <summary>
/// Deletes our temporary directory when we are finished with it.
/// </summary>
void DeleteTempDirectory()
Directory.Delete(buildDirectory, true);
// If there are no other instances of ContentBuilder still using their
// own temp directories, we can delete the process directory as well.
if (Directory.GetDirectories(processDirectory).Length == 0)
// If there are no other copies of the program still using their
// own temp directories, we can delete the base directory as well.
if (Directory.GetDirectories(baseDirectory).Length == 0)
/// <summary>
/// Ideally, we want to delete our temp directory when we are finished using
/// it. The DeleteTempDirectory method (called by whichever happens first out
/// of Dispose or our finalizer) does exactly that. Trouble is, sometimes
/// these cleanup methods may never execute. For instance if the program
/// crashes, or is halted using the debugger, we never get a chance to do
/// our deleting. The next time we start up, this method checks for any temp
/// directories that were left over by previous runs which failed to shut
/// down cleanly. This makes sure these orphaned directories will not just
/// be left lying around forever.
/// </summary>
void PurgeStaleTempDirectories()
// Check all subdirectories of our base location.
foreach (string directory in Directory.GetDirectories(baseDirectory))
// The subdirectory name is the ID of the process which created it.
int processId;
if (int.TryParse(Path.GetFileName(directory), out processId))
// Is the creator process still running?
catch (ArgumentException)
// If the process is gone, we can delete its temp directory.
Directory.Delete(directory, true);
The font which you are loading is an xml file: any_name.spritefont
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
This file contains an xml description of a font, and will be read by the XNA
Framework Content Pipeline. Follow the comments to customize the appearance
of the font in your game, and to change the characters which are available to draw
<XnaContent xmlns:Graphics="Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics">
<Asset Type="Graphics:FontDescription">
Modify this string to change the font that will be imported.
<FontName>Segoe UI Mono</FontName>
Size is a float value, measured in points. Modify this value to change
the size of the font.
Spacing is a float value, measured in pixels. Modify this value to change
the amount of spacing in between characters.
UseKerning controls the layout of the font. If this value is true, kerning information
will be used when placing characters.
Style controls the style of the font. Valid entries are "Regular", "Bold", "Italic",
and "Bold, Italic", and are case sensitive.
If you uncomment this line, the default character will be substituted if you draw
or measure text that contains characters which were not included in the font.
<!-- <DefaultCharacter>*</DefaultCharacter> -->
CharacterRegions control what letters are available in the font. Every
character from Start to End will be built and made available for drawing. The
default range is from 32, (ASCII space), to 126, ('~'), covering the basic Latin
character set. The characters are ordered according to the Unicode standard.
See the documentation for more information.
<Start> </Start>
If you want the form to be click-through then you need to add a random
transparency key color to form and:
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint="GetWindowLong")]
static extern IntPtr GetWindowLongPtr(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex);
static extern int SetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex, IntPtr dwNewLong);
In public Form1()
IntPtr initialStyle = GetWindowLongPtr(this.Handle, -20);
SetWindowLong(this.Handle, -20, (IntPtr)((int)initialStyle | 0x20));
Feel free to correct any mistakes I have made.
, only C, C++. I have however used XNA in the past. If there are no answers withSharpDX
, I will give you an example with XNA. – Ventral