I'm currently creating a file upload system in my application. My backend is Sails.js (10.4), which serves as an API for my separate front-end (Angular).
I've chosen to store the files I'm uploading to my MongoDB instance, and using sails' build in file upload module Skipper. I'm using the adapter skipper-gridfs (https://github.com/willhuang85/skipper-gridfs) to upload the files to mongo.
Now, it's not a problem to upload the files themselves: I'm using dropzone.js on my client, which sends the uploaded files to /api/v1/files/upload. The files will get uploaded.
To achieve this i'm using the following code in my FileController:
module.exports = {
upload: function(req, res) {
// ...any other options here...
adapter: require('skipper-gridfs'),
uri: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/db_name.files'
}, function(err, files) {
if (err) {
return res.serverError(err);
console.log('', files);
return res.json({
message: files.length + ' file(s) uploaded successfully!',
files: files
Now the problem: I want to do stuff with the files before they get uploaded. Specifically two things:
- Check if the file is allowed: does the content-type header match the file types I want to allow? (jpeg, png, pdf etc. - just basic files).
- If the file is an image, resize it to a few pre-defined sizes using imagemagick (or something similar).
- Add file-specific information that will also be saved to the database: a reference to the user who has uploaded the file, and a reference to the model (i.e. article/comment) the file is part of.
I don't have a clue where to start or how to implement this kind of functionality. So any help would be greatly appreciated!