I need some way to get screen data and pass them to DX9 surface/texture in my aplication and render it at at least 25fps at 1600*900 resolution, 30 would be better.
I tried BitBliting but even after that I am at 20fps and after loading data into texture and rendering it I am at 11fps which is far behind what I need.
GetFrontBufferData is out of question.
Here is something about using Windows Media API, but I am not familiar with it. Sample is saving data right into file, maybe it can be set up to give you individual frames, but I haven't found good enough documentation to try it on my own.
My code:
m_memDC.BitBlt(0, 0, m_Rect.Width(),m_Rect.Height(), //m_Rect is area to be captured
&m_dc, m_Rect.left, m_Rect.top, SRCCOPY);
//at 20-25fps after this if I comment out the rest
//DC,HBITMAP setup and memory alloc is done once at the begining
GetDIBits( m_hDc, (HBITMAP)m_hBmp.GetSafeHandle(),
0L, // Start scan line
(DWORD)m_Rect.Height(), // # of scan lines
m_lpData, // LPBYTE
(LPBITMAPINFO)m_bi, // address of bitmapinfo
(DWORD)DIB_RGB_COLORS); // Use RGB for color table
//at 17-20fps
IDirect3DSurface9 *tmp;
m_pImageBuffer[0]->GetSurfaceLevel(0,&tmp); //m_pImageBuffer is Texture of same
//size as bitmap to prevent stretching
hr= D3DXLoadSurfaceFromMemory(tmp,NULL,NULL,
&r, //SetRect(&r,0,0,m_Rect.Width(),m_Rect.Height();
IDirect3DSurface9 *frameS;
hr=m_pFrameTexture->GetSurfaceLevel(0,&frameS); // Texture of that is rendered
I found out that for 512*512 square its running on 30fps (for i.e. 490*450 at 20-25) so I tried dividing screen, but it didn't seem to work well.
If there is something missing in code please write, don't vote down. Thanks