This is an example how to integrate PyQt4 and boost::python
first of all we must define wrap/unwrap function to deal with bare pointers
long int unwrap(QObject* ptr) {
return reinterpret_cast<long int>(ptr);
template <typename T>
T* wrap(long int ptr) {
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(ptr);
after that we must register all classes we want integrate to
class_<QObject, QObject*, boost::noncopyable>("QObject", no_init)
.def("unwrap", unwrap)
.def("wrap", make_function( wrap<QObject>, return_value_policy<return_by_value>() ))
class_<QWidget, bases<QObject>, QWidget*, boost::noncopyable>("QWidget")
.def("wrap", make_function( wrap<QWidget>, return_value_policy<return_by_value>() ))
class_<QFrame, bases<QWidget>, QFrame*, boost::noncopyable>("QFrame")
.def("wrap", make_function( wrap<QFrame>, return_value_policy<return_by_value>() ))
class_<QLabel, bases<QFrame>, QLabel*, boost::noncopyable>("QLabel")
.def("wrap", make_function( wrap<QLabel>, return_value_policy<return_by_value>() ))
and for example we have class that works with.. QLabel:
class worker: public QObject {
void add_label(QLabel*);
we must expose this class to python too:
class_<worker, bases<QObject>, worker*, boost::noncopyable>("worker")
.def("add_label", &worker::add_label);
now we a ready to interaction,
on C++-size do something like this
worker* w = new worker;
main_namespace["worker"] = boost::ref(w);
from PyQt4.Qt import *
import sip
import mylib as MyLib
#If you are using QApplication on C++-size you don't need to create another one
lb = QLabel("label from PyQt4!")
lb_ptr = sip.unwrapinstance(f)
my_lb = MyLib.QLabel.wrap(lb_ptr)
In other case if you wan't send you own Q-object to PyQt4 :
QLabel* lb = new QLabel("C++ label");
main_namespace["lb"] = boost::ref(lb);
from PyQt4.Qt import *
import sip
import mylib as MyLib
my_lb_ptr = lb.unwrap()
qt_lb = sip.wrapinstance(my_lb_ptr, QLabel)
And this is my real little helper:
from PyQt4.Qt import *
import sip
def toQt(object, type):
ptr = object.unwrap()
return sip.wrapinstance(ptr, type)
def fromQt(object, type):
ptr = sip.unwrapinstance(object)
return type.wrap(ptr)