I need to provide the same layout.xml file for an Activity for several different qualifiers. I know that there's a way to just reference one existing layout.xml instead of really copying it and having a duplicate one.
But how? Can't find it in the Android docs right now... :-/
Anybody faster than me?
EDIT: although I found this "solution" I am still not there.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<include layout="@layout/main_ltr"/>
I need to point to a different qualifiers's layout file, not to another layout file in the same qualifier. Reason behind it: I specified the new Android 3.2 qualifier by proving screen width qualifiers. But on Android 3.0/3.1 this does not work, I need xlarge there, but I want it to be exactly the SAME file, not a copy!