I'd like to use native windows api function in my java class.
The function I am interested in is GetShortPathName. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa364989%28VS.85%29.aspx
I tried to use this - http://dolf.trieschnigg.nl/eightpointthree/eightpointthree.html but in some conditions java crashes completely when I use it, so it is not the option for me.
The question is Do I have to write code in e.g C, make DLL and then use that DLL in JNI/JNA? Or maybe I somehow can access the system API in different way?
I will appreciate your comments. If maybe you could post some code as the example I would be grateful.
I found the answer using JNA
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32;
public class Utils {
public static String GetShortPathName(String path) {
byte[] shortt = new byte[256];
//Call CKernel32 interface to execute GetShortPathNameA method
int a = CKernel32.INSTANCE.GetShortPathNameA(path, shortt, 256);
String shortPath = Native.toString(shortt);
return shortPath;
public interface CKernel32 extends Kernel32 {
CKernel32 INSTANCE = (CKernel32) Native.loadLibrary("kernel32", CKernel32.class);
int GetShortPathNameA(String LongName, byte[] ShortName, int BufferCount);