returns the total number of keys.
You can quickly estimate the number of keys matching a given pattern by sampling keys at random, then checking what fraction of them matches the pattern.
Example in python; counting all keys starting with prefix_
import redis
r = redis.StrictRedis(host = 'localhost', port=6379)
print 'Approximately', r.dbsize() * float(sum([r.randomkey().startswith('prefix_') for i in xrange(iter)])) / iter
Even iter=100
gives a decent estimate in my case, yet is very fast, compared to keys prefix_
An improvement is to sample 1000 keys on every request, but keep the total count, so that after two requests you'll divide by 2000, after three requests you'll divide by 3000. Thus, if your application is interested in the total number of matching keys fairly often, then every time it will get closer and closer to the true value.