No matter what the default is in the build.gradle file - in a team based development effort you should really use a repository manager like Sonatype Nexus or JFrog Artifactory and not reference those upstream repositories directly.
This will allow you to save a lot of bandwidth, combine both and many other repositories and manage it all in your own network.
In terms of Maven Central vs JCenter. JCenter is effort from JFrog to embrace, extend (and exterminate?) Maven Central. Maven Central is the default repository in Maven, SBT and others, while Gradle has switched to JCenter. This is not surprising considering that JFrog and Gradleware work together as companies. Since the Android SDK uses Gradle as build system now, the move to JCenter was a logic next step.
JCenter itself is a thin veneer on top of Maven Central. It proxies it (more or less successfully) and adds additional components. Both are hosted on CDN networks and highly performant. Maven Central itself is the target for all Eclipse, Apache and most other open source projects and without it JCenter would be mostly empty.
Using either of them will work fine, but I would suggest to go straight to the source where you can and on top of that take control of it by using a repository manager. Nexus Open Source for example is free and has support for Maven repositories as used by Maven, Gradle, SBT, Ivy and others as well as NuGet, NPM and RubyGems support.
Disclaimer: I am the author of Repository Management with Nexus and Nexus trainer for Sonatype, the sponsor of the free Central Repository, the project lead of the Android Maven Plugin and have pushed some Android libraries to Central by rebuilding from AOSP.