I'm writing BDD automation tests in Visual Studio 2019 using Specflow and running them using Nunit3.
When i write a Scenario Outline with an Examples table it looks like:
Scenario Outline: NP10_New_Record_Details_Tab_Info
| prod | Desc | date | quantity |
| Prod010a | Product 010a | 01/10/2020 | 10.00 |
| Prod010b | Product 010b | 02/10/2020 | |
The test name in Test Explorer then looks like:
Test Name: NP10_New_Record_Details_Tab_Info("Prod010a","Product 010a","01/10/2020","10.00",null)
Test Name: NP10_New_Record_Details_Tab_Info("Prod010b","Product 010b","02/10/2020","",null)
Is there any way i can manipulate the full test name so it doesnt show every column value of the examples table in the name? I've looked at some online suggestions like add a dummy column "Test_ID" to the Examples table then add '<TEST_ID>' to the scenario outline name but it only translates this as text not a parameter.
Is there a way of reconfiguring the full test name? - when I look at online advice I cant see other tests that display every column in brackets in the test name like mine do. Its not very readable.