Say that, I'm building a custom compose layout and populating that list as below
val list = remember { dataList.toMutableStateList()}
list.forEach { item ->
listItemCompose( data = item,
onChange = { index1,index2 -> Collections.swap(list, index1,index2)})
This code is working fine and the screen gets recomposed whenever onChange lambda function is called, but when it comes to any small change in any item's property, it does not recompose, to elaborate that let's change the above lambda functions to do the following
{index1,index2 -> list[index1].propertyName = true}
Having that lambda changing list item's property won't trigger the screen to recompose. I don't know whether this is a bug in jetpack compose or I'm just following the wrong approach to tackle this issue and I would like to know the right way to do it from Android Developers Team. That's what makes me ask if there is a way to force-recomposing the whole screen.
describes something in the UI you need a composable that includes thepropertyName
as a parameter, then just call it again. – Osbert{index1,index2 -> list[index1].propertyName = true}
with{index1,index2 -> list[index1] = list[index1].copy(propertyName = true) }
and thats make list[index1] address with fresh address cause the copy method – Exposition