Working on some more complicated example with type specifiers in common lisp, I've run into the strange behavior of and
+ satisfies
, namely it doesn't seem to short circuit in case of first typecheck failure, moving on to second. Sometimes it also calls the satisfies
pred twice. Here is the simplified example:
(defun check-len (x)
(let ((res (> (length x) 1)))
(format t "check len: ~a : ~a~%" x res)
(typep #(1 2 3) '(and
(satisfies check-len)))
;;=> check len: #(1 2 3) : T
;;=> check len: #(1 2 3) : T
;; NIL
(declaim (ftype (function ((and list (satisfies check-len))))
(defun some-fn (x) x)
(some-fn #(1 2 3))
;;=> check len: #(1 2 3) : T
;;=> check len: #(1 2 3) : T
; Debugger entered on #<TYPE-ERROR expected-type:
; datum: #<(SIMPLE-VECTOR 3) {100464796F}>>
Cannot find any specific mention of the ordering for and
, though intuitively it doesn't seem correct.
What is the reason for this behavior? Is there any specification? How can one ensure that multiple checks are executed in order? (to avoid raising condition in the check like this: (typep 1 '(and list (satisfies check-len)))
where I would expect the list
check to resolve to nil
without even moving to check-len
I'm on sbcl 2.1.10, manjaro linux, x86-64 (Intel)
macro. – TropousSATISFIES
, order of checking type specifiers makes no difference (except for performance). – Tropous