when using compiler in the command line, you should take of the following:
you need not compile a header file, since header file gets substituted in the script where include directive is used.
you will require to compile and link the implementation and the script file.
for example let cow.h be header file and cow.cpp be implementation file and cow.cc(c++ files can have extension .cpp, .cc, .cxx, .C, .CPP, .cp) be script file.
Since gcc compiler notation for c++ file is g++, we can compile and link the files using
$g++ -g -Wall cow.cpp cow.cc -o cow.out
options '-g' and '-Wall' are for debugging info and getting warning for errors. Here cow.out is the name of the executable binary file that we can execute to run the program. it is always good to name your executable file otherwise name will be automatically given which might be confusing at times.
you can also do the same by using makefiles, makefiles will detect, compile and link automatically the specified files.
There are great resources for compilation using command line
enter link description here
g++ *.cpp
would be enough to compile all the cpp files since the order doesn't matter as long as we're not linking yet. – Tableau