I am running Jconsole on my macbook and trying to connect to a linux terminal on ec2 that does not have graphics(only command line access).
I run my code like this:
java -jar program.jar -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=9005
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.remote.ssl=false
I read here that there was a problem with accessing via EC2(after I had problems connecting) and the solution seemed to be 'java.rmi.server.hostname to the public hostname of the instance
I'm a bit confused at how to do this. I have tried two things, one to put it directly in my code(in the void static main section):
System.setProperty( "java.rmi.server.hostname" , "external_EC2_address" ); //in my real code I have the correct address here
The system accepted it(no errors when I created/uploaded runnable jar). I also opened the firewall on my instance to allow all TCP traffic. No Luck. I tried the above statement also as a flag to launch to the program but still no luck.
Any ideas how do this?
UPDATE: This will show how green I am at Java, I got a step further(still doesn't work) but I realized putting the java -jar filename.jar and then the options didn't give me the same results as putting my -jar at the end of the command. I tried that and the program tries to connect and then says connection failed(before it would just say it at the login screen right away).